
How Do You Rate Your Confidence?

Confidence underpins absolutely everything we do, particularly our motivation, our resilience
and it informs the choices we make, some which are subconscious. If you have determined
your progress is being hindered by something but unsure of the root cause, more often than
not, it’s lack of confidence.

So many competent and successful people let opportunities pass
them by because they lack confidence in one or more areas. As a coach Wendy will
enable you to turn your heads around, reduce your fears and anxieties, re focus
and build longer and lasting resilience so you can accomplish your own gold

How can Wendy Help?


  • What triggers the feelings of lowered confidence
  • How do you demonstrate it or compensate for it
  • How is it limiting your choices?


  • What determines my renewed sense of confidence
  • How do I want to present myself to the world?
  • What do I offer the world? What areas can I grow into?


  • What strategies while ensure my confidence stays with me?
  • How can I empower myself in times that it is challenged?

Career Confidence

Want to get truly visible, recognized and rewarded in your career?

Learn more

  • Know and show what value you bring to your organization with authenticity. 
  • Demonstrate your worth and ensuring this is recognized by the right decision-making people.  
  • Being clear on what you want your career journey to look like and planning steps towards this. 
  • Understanding how do you identify yourself in the workplace
  • Confidence to bring the best side of you into your work environment no matter what the day brings.  
  • Owning your weaknesses and knowing how you can grow
  • Feeling confident when in the minority in the workplace and offering the unique differences this brings
  • How to ensure you challenge in a meaningful way or can stand up to challenge proudly
  • Putting your best foot forward for promotion and pay rise

Some of these topics might resonate with you and as you begin the process of coaching we will explore your self-imposed limitations and behaviours that are holding you back in order to shine in the workplace while enjoying yourself while you are there.  Through coaching with Wendy you will understand yourself and drivers better and develop strategies for overcoming lack of confidence in your career


Self Confidence

Know you could achieve more if you trusted in your judgement and abilities? Build your confidence a step at a time.

Learn more

  • Recognise and use your intuition to assert yourself and create choices
  • Understand what makes you unique and how your experiences have shaped you
  • Know that you can change your self-belief and imbed new more helpful beliefs about you and your abilities
  • Champion yourself
  • Choose behaviours that re-enforce how much you value yourself 
  • Know who do you represent and how to command respect
  • How to confidently deal with ‘rejection’
  • Owning your weakness and knowing how you can grow
  • How to ensure you stand up to challenges and arm yourself with your strengths

Some of these topics might resonate with you and as you begin the process of coaching we will explore your self-imposed limitations and behaviours that are holding you back in order to shine while enjoying yourself while you are doing so.  Through coaching with Wendy you will understand yourself and drivers better and develop strategies for overcoming lack of confidence and ensuring your put your best self out there.


Self Worth

Do you put others first, people please and avoid conflict? Develop your self worth to value yourself equally.

Learn more

  • Elevate and demonstrate your self-worth with authenticity
  • Know that even when feeling vulnerable and exposed that you are enough
  • Ability to confidently recognize and foster your talents
  • Understand your narrative and correcting your internal dialogue to align with who you want to be, instead of you think you are
  • Choose and know your identity and take ownership of your life
  • Deal with challenge with mindfulness and empowerment
  • Understand your drivers to people please and know how much is enough

Some of these topics might resonate with you and as you begin the process of coaching we will explore your self-imposed limitations and behaviours that are holding you back in order to shine while enjoying yourself while you are doing so. Through coaching with Wendy you will understand yourself and drivers better and develop strategies to heighten your self-worth.  Have the confidence to show others who you really are and be confident to feel vulnerable.


Your Inner Critic

Want to quieten that negative voice in your head? Learn strategies to overcome your inner critic.

Learn more

  • Understanding how you have come about your beliefs
  • What dialogue do you use and how it impacts your performance
  • What triggers the habitual critical assessment
  • How you can be kinder to yourself without losing valuable moment and drive
  • How to be comfortable with not being perfect

Some of these topics might resonate with you and as you begin the process of coaching we will explore your self-imposed limitations and behaviours that are holding you back in order to shine while enjoying yourself while you are doing so. Through coaching with Wendy you will understand yourself and drivers better and develop strategies for silencing or reducing the impact your critical voice has and allow you the ability to adhere to a more reasoned and motivating voice.  As who will champion you better than you can?


'Nice Girl/Boy' Conditioning

Are you humble, afraid of upsetting others and put yourself last? Then you could have ‘Nice Girl/Boy’ Conditioning.

Learn more

  • When the narrative of nice girl or boy gets in the way of putting yourself first
  • Knowing the truth of all that you are and accepting the rough edges
  • Understanding how you are being overlooked
  • Allowing people to see the real you
  • Being decisive about what you want
  • Strategies for standing up to challenge with confidence

Some of these topics might resonate with you and as you begin the process of coaching we will explore your self-imposed limitations and behaviours that are holding you back in order to shine while enjoying yourself while you are doing so.  Through coaching with Wendy you will understand yourself and drivers better and develop strategies for overcoming the Niceties and get to the guts of who you are, dispelling the myth that you don’t have depth of feeling, hurt or want as others do.  Learn how to put your needs first and with it the acceptance that this is important.



Would you like to lift the pressure of unrealistic expectations and being tough on yourself?

Learn more

  • Know the relentlessness and complexities of always being or at least appearing perfect
  • Know where your perfectionist drivers are from
  • Understand how you came by your measuring stick
  • Be kind to yourself with inner dialogue that encourages you when you admit mistakes
  • Take ownership of your faults and oddities instead of hiding them
  • Find value in making mistakes and taking ownership for them
  • Welcoming the experiences that are outside your control
  • Be okay with being wrong, non-conformist and imperfect

Some of these topics might resonate with you and as you begin the process of coaching we will explore your self-imposed limitations and behaviours that are holding you back in order to shine while enjoying yourself while you are doing so.  Through coaching with Wendy you will understand yourself and drivers better and develop strategies for not striving for perfectionism, for re-defining what is acceptable and allowing your true self to surface. Celebrating your imperfection your flaws and your learnings and dispelling the illusion of perfection.



Imposter Syndrome

Do you worry that you’ve got the job through luck or worry that others will find out you’re not as good as they think you are? Imposter Syndrome can knock your career confidence.

Learn more

  • Taking ownership of what you have to learn, empowering yourself and others around you to support you in your role
  • Letting go of your ego
  • Believing you are there through merit
  • Create your own strategies for holding your own in your new work place
  • Feeling vulnerable yet showing courage
  • Goals for improvement becoming the leader you want to be
  • How to accelerate your learning to fulfil expectations
  • Know your capabilities and your abilities to adapt and change
  • Some of these topics might resonate with you and as you begin the process of coaching we will explore your self-imposed limitations and behaviours that are holding you back in order to shine while enjoying yourself while you are doing so.  Through coaching with Wendy you will understand yourself and drivers better and develop strategies for overcoming the Imposter Syndrome in your work and personal life. Enabling yourself to embrace where you are at and focus on how you can be the leader others see.

Confident Communication

Want to be able to speak up assertivly, influence others and deal with difficult conversations?

Learn more

  • How can you positively persuade and influence others
  • What language can you use to empower yourself
  • Strategies for presenting and public speaking
  • How do you hold your own in challenging, emotionally driven situations
  • What do you know about how you communicate and what can change?
  • How can you deliver reasoned and rational arguments in times of great stress

Some of these topics might resonate with you and as you begin the process of coaching we will explore your self-imposed limitations and behaviours that are holding you back in order to shine while enjoying yourself while you are doing so.  Through coaching with Wendy you will understand yourself and drivers better and develop strategies for confidence in communication in all situations.  You will be able to deliver your message in a way that you are proud of.

Book your free conversation