There is plenty of opinion, advice and theories of how you can make working from home during COVID-19 a success everywhere you look.  For the first week admittedly I was one distracted bunny, not being able to sit down from more than 10mins before being sidetracked by an immediate chore, the kettle whistling, the siren of the fridge calling to my stomach, the sun peeking out behind the clouds, the friends messaging their check-ins, the corner architrave that needed painting… then oh, of course… THE WORK.

Who has been overcompensating for instability and working harder, longer to prove your worth and value to your organisation? That’s even without mention of those who also have to juggle parenting and working simultaneously, I can imagine no simple task!  Meanwhile there are those of us whose work is on-hold and are trying to salvage their finances and businesses as well as keeping some kind of resemblance of normality.  Whilst others in many industries are swamped, more work on top of an already overloaded workday. Questioning how will you prevail against this hardship? 

I’m sure you’ve all been there to some or more degree.  4 Weeks into home isolation you may or may not have found your rhythm. Yet to adopt a collection of habits or routines that provide structure and meaning to your day and normalise it?  What is allowing you to stay focused and be best situated for when the restrictions are lifted? Are you still adjusting? Have you yet to shower in 3 days?  In case you haven’t found your home mojo here is some tip bits:


Exercise has become a great focus for people, to get together as communities online and join characters like Joe Wicks jumping around your living rooms.  Some have even picked up injuries from the unaccustomed exercise. The routine of a daily work out might look daunting to some and a useful interview I listened to talked about creating little habits, that were small enough that we would adhere to them but when applied regularly became ‘normal’ and invited you to subconsciously adopt more.  Worked a treat for me and I am now using every kettle boil to fit in lunges and by the end of the day am often hitting around 200!  Here’s the link to the interview:


How hard has it been to leave the emails untouched and sign off at your usual hour? One important way is separating your home-space from your workspace: however, due to lack of ‘space’ this might not be possible. Therefore mental states become useful. One colleague puts on his suit every morning, whilst others apply full office make up and hair sleek. But how do you signify the close of your day? I use a shower, to literally wash off my day.  Read about creating rituals to end the day:  


One day at a time when tasks look too enormous or too daunting, focus on the immediate process of taking one step forward. Finding contentment in the present No matter what life throws at you, in this moment: Know: YOU’VE GOT THIS!

My inspiring friend and adventurer Elin Haf Davies at the beginning on the pandemic wrote of her learnings when dealing with confinement after spending 77days rowing across an ocean with one other.  She wrote: ‘I realised the small things really are the most important. Your world as you no know it will never be the same. Because we will now realise what’s important’. Her article:

Finally, YOU ARE NOT ALONE. The world is sharing this experience with you.

If this time signals to you that you are in need of coaching support we at Kea Insight can provide you with virtual sessions to help clear the path and unburden yourself from fear.