by | Apr 20, 2021 | Managing Stress

There are many who are itching to return what we consider to be normal because of the varying degrees of confinement we a have all found ourselves. However, our previous ‘normal’ may not be possible for quite some time. Some lives irreversibly will be changed; some for better some for worse.  Managing our expectations of ourselves, the pace of our governmental guidelines and how others will behave as a consequence.  It is easy to judge people for their choices that may not aligned with your own moral compass.


Overall you may have noticed a sense of collective restlessness.  People wanting change, easing of restrictions, travel or a simple break from reality.  It easy to fall into this energy vacuum.  Patience isn’t my strength and is something I intentionally have to work very hard on.  If this year has taught me one thing is the ability to accept and let go of things I can’t control.  The 3 coaching questions I use to support this are:


  • What is bringing me the sense of urgency – desire or fear? How does this serve me? Is it the truth?


  • What I am capable of influencing?


  • How can I make the most of this time that has been presented to me?


Reflecting on these questions may help you highlight what is essential to your life right now, and how can you ensure that you have got this covered. 


In the restless moment you might chose to Call it out, Name it, Own it “I am being impatient, it is driven by my fear.  I chose to be brave to not be in total control and be open to wonderful new possibilities”. 


Whatever the Covid period has exposed in your life and the impact it has going forward. Know you are not alone in your fears and frustrations.  That even if the return to your normality may be prolonged, know that you have got this!